There we were all cosily locked up working from home when we received a call from a Nursery in Northampton that needed a new kitchen fitted in a hurry, ready for the return of children after lockdown. Without knowing how long lockdown was going to last we agreed to completing the works within two weeks. The nursery wanted to keep some of their old equipment but replace all the furniture and some of the appliances. We began by visiting the premises. It was awkward without being able to be within 2 metres of the Site Manager, but with plenty of PPE and a bit of distance-dancing we were able to safely take measurements. We prepared a layout:

And accompanied it with a Quote and Legend for proposed equipment:

Well, with prompt approval we set straight to work. We designed the stainless steel fabrications specifically to fit the new kitchen’s needs, as you can see many of the fabs there are bespoke. We made the fabs in a week. In the second week we delivered the fabrications and the new bits of equipment: Amika 50XLD, Hot Water Boiler. We put in place, installed, made good and within the two week window available the new kitchen was signed off and commissioned. It now looks like this, ready for after lockdown, just as was requested.