Built-In Oil Filtration: is it worth it?

Built-In Oil Filtration: is it worth it?

For a few years now many manufacturers are offering fryers with oil filtration. They are much more expensive but do they save you money and time in the long run?

One thing to note is that particularly in today’s market oil is becoming ever more expensive. Not only that, but as we have seen shortages are likely to happen from time to time. Ensuring a steady and cheap supply of fresh oil might not be as easy as extending the life of the oil you do have and use.

Many of us throw away oil without even thinking about it. Some of us are filtrating the oil manually. Few of us are investing in fryers that filter the oil automatically.

There are fryers with built-in filtration and those with portable filtration. Portable filtration is a lot cheaper to buy outright but it is not as fast and carefree as built-in filtration. Portable filtration requires staff to be well trained and to handle the process carefully. Built-in filtration is independent, it’s fast and it removes particles from wet batter and other residues effectively. Fryers with built-in two-stage filtration can extend the life of your oil by up to 75%. Imagine that! Buying less oil in the long term is one way to increase your profits!

So yes fryers with built-in filtration are definitely worth the outlay in the long run.

If you haven’t seen them in action before, here are two examples of fryers filtering oil for you:



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